Quebec Webinar

Find Out How You Can Earn Alternative Income from “Food, Fruits & Vegetables Crops”

It is a known fact that the unexpected shock of COVID-19 highlighted the importance of Agriculture and has also been a dilemma for digital investors in recent times with different reports about some agritech firms defaulting on their obligations to investors, but the fact remains that agricultural investment is profitable and the cash value return on investment is achievable with the proper farm and fund management, backup with sustainable farming practice and asset-security instrument; giving serious attention to human risk management. Let's Help You Understand How to generate alternative income by investing in classified sustainable agricultural commodities, from production(farming) to processing and packaging for local and export markets, without having to soil your hands in the process and you earn cash value return in weeks, Months, Quarterly, biannually & Annually depending on your choice of crops.

Why Invest In Agro-Farm Produce Buyback Scheme

Quebec Foods offers short-term and equity-investment partnership opportunities in our Farm Estates and Processing Plants startup/expansion projects for all classes of investors driven by wealth creation principles and food security for the populaces.

However, beyond the profits, investing in the agricultural value chain space offers the rare chance to catalyze growth in a sector that employs more than half of all working people in Sub-Saharan Africa and to move the continent towards food sovereignty

Based on the combined experience of Quebec Food’s CEO, exceptional directors, and an outstanding management team that pilots its affairs and operations globally., we’ve been able to carefully observe and study the supply, demand, and price trends as well as other profitability factors and would love to share more insight with you.


When is the right time to invest in Agri-food value chain

Now is the Right time to explore the opportunities in the agri-food value chain space as the demand for agricultural farm produce and processed finished products has increased. However, the dynamics of choosing the most profitable and less risky commodities for investment are misunderstood in the process by most agriculturists and digital investors.

Most investors are often misled by high returns without considering the local/export market demand and supply of such commodities involved, following the cultivation season, climate change, and commodities pricing without considering certain factors which result in them making huge losses at harvest.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn more about how you can profit from the most profitable food, Fruits & Vegetable crops with great export values.

We will walk you through our processes of choosing profitable commodities to invest in, our set-up management stages, and even sales of harvest at maturity processes to meet your targeted investment goals to ensure your smile at the end of these strategic partnerships with Quebec Foods.

There will be Q & A session at the end where you can get your questions answered.


We are well experienced!

Meet the Founder/President and its exceptional team of experts with over 12 years of experience in the agrifood value chain space from farming to processing as they share valuable insights and tips on the dynamics of making a profit with details into our Food, Fruits & Vegetables Crop Investment Packages, a premium offering by Quebec Food Processing Industrial Parks Limited.


Secure a spot for free now!


Why should I trust Quebec Foods?

Quebec Food Processing Industrial Parks Ltd is an agricultural company established to grow, process, package, and export healthy food products with experienced directors in various areas of expertise in the agri-food value chain, Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Safety Engineering Technology, ICT & Finance Management that pilot its affairs and operations globally.

The company has strategic technical partners, agro-professionals, economists, data scientists, and international trades with over a decade of experience in agri-business that constantly monitor every investment.

Our mission is to add mutual value to our partners and transformative capital to Agriculture by converting uncultivated farmlands into Farm Estates and setting up processing plants to open alternative income to all classes of investors with the core aim of driving agriculture toward sustainability on a massive scale.